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Some Updates!

Hello, everyone!

I must apologise for being so quiet and for not posting in a long time. I have been (and still am) very busy studying for my Masters degree at the University of Bristol, but wanted to take some time to share some news about the other things that have kept me busy.

Firstly, I’ve been very busy with National Flash Fiction Day UK. This year I’m the co-editor of the anthology, and it was an absolute pleasure to be involved in reading and selecting flashes from the submissions we received. It was a difficult job for myself and my co-editor, the incomparable Meg Pokrass, because we received so many excellent stories.

The anthology theme is Life As You Know It, and the stories we selected are funny, poignant, evocative, and different. We also were able to include some incredible commissioned writers, writers who are very well known in the flash community, including: Etgar Keret, Stuart Dybek, Robert Shapard, Pamela Painter, Robert Scotellaro, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Danielle McLaughlin. This is to name only a few!

The anthology will be called Sleep is a Beautiful Colour, will be published in June, and will feature my flash fiction ‘They Keep Calling My Ex-Husband Brave’. For the full line-up, visit this link here: National Flash Fiction Day UK Blog.

As well as ‘They Keep Calling My Ex-Husband Brave’ being published, I have also had a handful of other acceptances since I last updated.

‘Getting the Gang Back Together’ will be published in Issue 10.1 of Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine. This I am still so excited about. Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine is one of the leading flash magazines in the UK and a magazine I have always admired.  Read more about them here.

My tiny micro-fiction, ‘The Broom of Sisyphus’, will be published in June as a part of National Flash Fiction Day New Zealand’s Micro Madness competition series! Read more about them here.

My short story, ‘Plastic’, will be published in the Stories for Homes Anthology Vol. 2. What is wonderful about this anthology is that the whole point of the anthology is to raise money for the homelessness charity Shelter. They’ve raised lots of money from the first anthology, which is still available to purchase, and the new anthology will be published towards the end of the year. Find out more about their extraordinary work here.

‘The Same People at the Bus Stop’ will be published in the very first issue of DNA Magazine. The editor, Katie Marsden, is absolutely wonderful to work with, and I encourage everyone to submit to future calls for submissions. Find out more about the magazine by visiting their website.

My flash fiction, ‘Veganuary’, was longlisted in the Bath Flash Fiction Award, and will be published in their second volume of their anthology, which will be published in December 2017 / January 2018. This I’m still so, so thrilled about! To enter the Bath Flash Fiction Award, or to find out more, visit their website.

My story, ‘Hair‘, won one of the weekly Ad Hoc competitions run by Bath Flash Fiction Award. You can read the story here: Hair‘.

Finally, ‘Men at Work’ was published by Great Jones Street, and is available to read on their mobile app. Download the app from the Apple App store or Google Play app store. You can read a little of it online, then purchase it online. Great Jones Street are an incredible platform of short stories, fiction on the go, and described as the “Netflix” of Fiction. Check them out there.

And as if all of that wasn’t enough, I’ve been helping organise the first ever Flash Fiction literary festival in the UK. You can find out more about it here: Flash Fiction Festival.

‘Backspace’ Published by the Journal of Microliterature!

My flash fiction, ‘Backspace’, is now available to read at the Journal of Microliterature now! It’s about all the things we wish we could say on social media but decide not to. You can read it by following this link here.


‘A Change of Luck’ to be Published in Spelk!

A flash fiction of mine, ‘A Change of Luck’, has been accepted for publication by Spelk, a fantastic online magazine. ‘A Change of Luck’ will be published in February 2016.

Spelk is currently open for submissions of flash fiction around 500 words, so why not check them out and consider submitting your flashes. The journal publishes a vast array of flashes of different styles and genres so it is definitely worth reading the flash fiction they publish. You can visit Spelk‘s submission page by following this link here.

‘A Change of Luck’ will be my second publication with Spelk. If you’d like to read my first flash fiction Spelk published you can do so by following this link here. The flash is called ‘Hereditary’.